Today, Rolling Stones fans were outraged as concerts across the globe sold out with tickets instantly appearing on Ticketmaster-owned Seatwave for multiples of face value. Fine Gael TD Noel Rock last year authored legislation to ban the above cost reselling of tickets and today called for that legislation to be enacted by Government immediately.

Deputy Rock said: “Today’s outrageous cornering of the market by touts whose only goal is to gouge hard-working fans is an absolute disgrace and shows clearly the problem we have here.

“This is now happening on a weekly basis with concerts big and small, as well as larger sporting events: people know they can make a quick few quid by snapping up tickets via advance on sales, and make at least double their money back.

“If the companies charged with selling tickets wanted to stamp out this practice, they could easily have done so.

“Belgium has already successfully introduced legislation in this field. The Irish people are overwhelmingly in favour of legislation – with a recent Ireland Thinks poll showing 89% of people support this. The precedent is there, the support is there, now we need to step up and make this happen.

“This situation cannot continue: the ticketing industry cannot be relied upon to regulate itself. Time and time again, they promise that things will change. Time and time again, they fail to change things. It’s time for Government to step in with legislation. In truth, it feels like Groundhog Day for concert goers and sports fans in this country, as this happens on a weekly basis.”