Noel Rock has today welcomed the release of FingLUAS draft details from Transport Infrastructure Ireland, showing their preferred route going through Finglas and terminating in Charlestown, with 4 stops and a park and ride facility.

Speaking on the matter, founder of the FingLUAS campaign Noel said: “This is something I campaigned relentlessly for since I was elected to the Dail in 2016. The FingLUAS extension is something that makes complete sense, could be constructed relatively quickly, and would connect communities in Charlestown and Meakstown to the City Centre in as little as 15 minutes”.

Noel continued: “I very much welcome the release of these details and the publication of a tender for a topographical survey. This very much shows that despite some voices claiming falsely that progress could take at least a decade, we are seeing this project moving forward, and this is a significant milestone”.

Noel concluded: “In the coming weeks, a public consultation will be announced and started for the route and the 4 stops which are intended to be added along this line. I look forward to playing an active role, continuing with my FingLUAS campaign and working hard to making FingLUAS a reality”.